Chapter 1
Where do I
start this for you all? In all honestly I am not too sure. I guess
I'll start at the beginning, the only place I can, though the
beginning seems not so much as it is now. No, I'll start with the
beginning of the end.
It would
be an overcast, but warm, July summer day when I walked into the
overly air-conditioned office building at Insigna Corp, a company
high in the IT and Engineering field. Man that office was cold, but
I can't remember a time when industry cared about the environment, so
I wouldn't dwell on it any further. Walking up towards the busy
elevator, crowded with fellow colleagues of various departments,
recognizing Philip and David, two of the obnoxious men that were in
the engineering department of the company. I only saw the men at
meetings though, for I wasn't in engineering but IT.
I grabbed
my arms and shivered through my burgundy cotton shirt and black
polyester slacks, all business attire naturally, feeling myself
wriggling in black leather loafers with matching soaks, oh how I love
my fashion sense. Course I wasn't hired for that, but for my
abilities as a programmer. Graduating on the Dean's list with co-op
experience I was quite competent in my skills in typing code like a
monkey, but just doing that isn't enough: now one must also be
creative in how that is deployed and designed. That note have nuked
many of an old friend out of the college.